Governor, seated center, invited students on stage after the bill signing

In the East High metals engineering lab, Gov. Parson hears from three student apprentices about the skills they have acquired and their plans for after high school.    The governor shares a laugh with students in a quick visit in the cafeteria to check on lunch.   Flanked by school district representatives the Governor, seated, signs the bill.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson spent about an hour with staff and students at Fort Zumwalt East High School on Wednesday, Aug. 30, learning more about Zumwalt Apprenticeships and conducting a ceremonial bill signing.

Gov. Parson met with several district officials as well as East High Industrial Technology teacher Andy McHaffie, who also serves part-time as the district’s curriculum coordinator for that department. McHaffie, along with Dr. Patrick Brown, Fort Zuwalt’s Executive Director of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math and Career Technical Education, are the guiding force behind Zumwalt Apprenticeships. The governor was impressed with the opportunities three students shared with him about their classwork in Fort Zumwalt, and their work as apprentices with the district’s business partners.

Students interested in applying for the program need to enroll and complete one of the many Career Technical Education (CTE) Apprenticeship Courses Fort Zumwalt offers in Industrial Tech, Business, FACS, Computer Science, etc. Once they have completed the course, they can fill out the application, including two instructor recommendations. Applicants will then be asked to interview at a manufacturing partner for the apprenticeship position they have selected. If hired, the applicant will be registered with the U.S. Department Of Labor Recognized Apprenticeship Program, and complete the requirements set forth by the program. Minimum hours of on-the-job training is 2,000 hours. Apprentices earn a competitive wage, credit through St. Charles Community College and, upon completion of the program, their apprenticeship certification.

After speaking with three Zumwalt apprentices about their hands-on experiences and their plans for after graduation, Gov. Parson stopped by to check out lunch, then met with social studies students in the auditorium where they joined him on stage after the ceremonial bill signing. 

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